No.1 Non-Clinical CRO in Korea in Efficacy tests.
Performing Non-Clinical (Animals) experiments for new drugs and newly developed articles.
Maintaining a solid competitive edge by securing experience, professionals and high-tech equipment.
Value Chain of Drug Development Process

Non-Clinical Services
Cerebral infarction
- MCAO/Thromboembolic infarction
- Wistar or SD rat
Alzheimer's diseaseMotor & Sensory Neuropathy- Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT)
- Mouse
- histamine induced allergy
- Guinea pig
Uveitis- LPS induced uveitis
- Rabbit
Glaucoma- Dexamethasone induced
- Rabbit
- Suture ligation
- Rat
Pulmonary fibrosis
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Expectorant- Guinea pig Antitussive Model
- Guinea pig Antitussive Model eng
- Mouse Expectorant Model
- Mouse Expectorant Model eng
Non GLP Toxicity
- DRF, Single-dose&Repeated-dose toxicity study
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Distribution- BLI(bioluminescence imaging) test, In Vivo Distribution Test
- rat, mouse, rabbit, ferrit
Botx A Titer / PotencySurgical Model enging- Sacropenia model eng through segmental spinal nerve ligation and Hemi-laminectomy
- Rat
- Artificial vessel graft implantation
- Pig
- Heidenhain Pouch Dog model
- Beagle
- Efficacy test of hemostatic agent and device via hemorrhagic model
- Pig, Rabbit
- Trabeculectomy model
- Rabbit
- Critical limb ischemia model
- Rabbit
- Hypertrophic scar model
- Rabbit
- Efficacy test of anti-adhesion agent via surgical damage model
- Rat, Rabbit
Capable of conducting high-complexity efficacy evaluations that are challenging for other competitors.
Securing accuracy and reliability of test results by using top-quality medical imaging equipment.(MRI, CT)